AROMA PILLOWS | Lillas Lavender

Aromatic lavender pillows (2 pieces) filled with lavender flowers. They emit a pleasant lavender aroma that eliminates odors and creates a pleasant fragrance around you. The lavender originates from organic lavender fields in Latvia. Suitable for:

    •    Rooms
    •    Closets
    •    Drawers
    •    Placed near pillows in the bedroom
    •    Car interiors, etc.

Effects of lavender aroma:
    •    Boosts immunity
    •    Fights fatigue
    •    Improves heart function, circulation, lowers blood pressure, strengthens blood vessels
    •    Regulates digestive disorders, gallbladder, liver function
    •    Helps with coughs, colds, flu, respiratory prevention
    •    Eases PMS, regulates menstrual cycles and hormonal system
    •    Alleviates muscle pain
    •    Relieves insomnia
    •    Reduces stress and tension
    •    Uplifting
    •    Calming
    •    Anti-inflammatory
    •    Relaxing, antispasmodic

Price: € 11.50
  • AROMA PILLOWS | Lillas Lavender
  • AROMA PILLOWS | Lillas Lavender